Thursday, February 23, 2006

M&Ms in a time of crisis.....

A student had a flip out in Hebrew School yesterday. He's one of my students, but the incident happened as he was switching from the other class, and they were coming back to the main building for music.

Long story short, J. went to the office, then was flipping out emotionally to the director, she walked out of her office and told him to sit there and wait for her while she retrieved the other involved student, and J. flipped out more. (he didn't want her to confront this kid who had allegedly hurt him). He ended up yelling and screaming, then slammed HER office door after she left. She told the secretary to call his mother, and within moments, he ran out of the building. AARGH. He ended up somehow running around to the side of the building and coming back in that way, but it was freaky.

In the meantime I went about my business with the rest of my students, music ended and we all went back to my classroom. I talked a little about Lashon Hara ; I was already hearing some of the typical 'rubber necking' that happens after an accident, incident, etc. Anyway, we ended that discussion and went back to our topic that we're studying when J. came to the door and asked to speak with me. I left the kids with Mrs. M, the other 5th grade teacher who was in the room with me and her class as well.

I went in the hallway to speak with J. and his father. *gulp* But no, he wanted to speak to ME because I am "the only teacher who ever believes him." awwwww shucks.....

Anyway, no need to go into more, but I just felt so sorry for this kid, he was so emotionally out of control. The tears, the red blotches on his eyes from crying, and the complete misperception of different parts of the story..........he just thinks that everyone is out to get him. So sad.

The one part that DID make me smile about it all though was that I noticed he had chocolate around his mouth........guess he helped himself to the M& M jar on the principal's desk when he locked himself in there! WAY TO GO j.! Any kid who stops in the middle of a major tantrum to have some chocolate is my kind of kid! :) really, not trying to play fun at him....sending him warm thoughts and hopes that he can work through this and learn to trust the other grown-ups in the school who care about him and want to make Hebrew School a more positive experience for him. .......