Wanted to first off thank you all for your good wishes and thoughts. I'm doing well, have recovered well, and am moving on. Don't get me wrong, I still think about the what-ifs now and again but I know that what-ifs in life don't get us anywhere, so I'm quite practical in that thinking.
Today we have a big celebration taking place..........my big guy is having his SEVENTH birthday party! aargh. HOW did that happen? My sweet sweet soul who was only just yesterday ONE year old and wearing his first pair of real shoes as we walked in the park together. I'll never forget that day, hubby had some studying to do, so me and the little guy went to the store together. I knew we had to stay out of the house a bit so we took our time. Got the new shoes (the cute white Stride Rite ones that were a bit like a high top to support his ankles).......and then I decided to take him for a WALK. His face lit up as we walked on the sidewalk in the park. He was so proud and so happy to be free! I remember regretting that I had forgotten my camera, but instead I made a point to tell myself that this is a memory that really didn't need a camera, and I was right!
So we've got a juggler guy coming to teach the kids how to juggle with these big batons, how to spin plates on sticks and more! Then he'll do a show. I think he is coming with a friend, but I didn't clarify that. We'll see. I hope so, but if not, it's ok. They're only charging me like 300 shekels, so it's beyond reasonable!
I made the cake...........funny how in the US we always used to buy the cakes, and people tried to always outdo each other with the cool cakes that they ordered from Publix or in our case, often Sam's club. Here though, I make the cakes, and I think the kids appreciate it that much more. My little one will be turning FIVE when we are visiting in Florida this summer. I asked him if he would rather we just order his cake......... "No Emah, I want you to make my cake in Gramma's kitchen!" So I will make his cake.
Anyway, I'm off to go hang laundry, do dishes, put away clean laundry, and finally, to search for the charger for the video camera. G-d forbid we keep anything where we could find it in this house, right? AARGH.
yup, I'm definitely back into the swing of things..........