Sunday, December 23, 2007


Happy Festivus to those of you who celebrate the holiday of the pole.......

...and I don't think they had Pole Dancers in mind. But I digress.......

One thing that was funny a few weeks ago just before Chanukah was when Aviv brought home a page of math problems with some decorative clipart on it. I checked his work as I always do, and noticed that the clipart, which was meant to be chanukah clipart wasn't. Instead, I noticed that it was instead a cute little KWANZAA candleabra!!!

hee hee To the naked eye, especially when one is photocopying something, it might be quite easy to be mistaken.....especially if you have no idea even what Kwanzaa is.

But I must say, I had a good laugh!

Happy Festivus, Hairy Biscuits (this one learned from a dear redneck friend of ours), and a peaceful Kwanzaa to you all..........