Tuesday, August 01, 2006


yes, we're HOME...........home in our OWN home (ok, we don't own it, but for as long as we do, this is our HOME). Can I say that again, OUR HOME............

...ahhhhh....sounds so nice, feels even better!!!

We have moved most of the stuff over here from the 'laws' house, but there is always more. And, since we bought the washer/dryer in the states, we're still doing laundry over there.

Anyway, this is what I've been up to.........and I'm exhausted.

We took a break yesterday and spent the day with the kids at the beach. Hubby started work today, so we figured it would be nice to hang together before he starts.

And that's that. No word on our lift; they've received our 80% deposit, too bad we haven't received 80% of our stuff, but it doesn't work that way. oh well.

Hope all is well with all of you..............